Dear Parents,

Emmanuel Greetings!

We hope that you will find the information in this website helpful.

We understand that you are your child’s first educators, so we rely on a strong home/school partnership involving good two way communication and mutual trust. Emmanuel, where learning becomes a passion. We at Emmanuel understand that true wisdom only comes from God. One may gain knowledge through books, through friends, through media but only wisdom helps a child to apply knowledge in the right way. That is why we at Emmanuel believe that, ‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom’.

Emmanuel, the power of dreams…..

We at Emmanuel believe that all students are equal and must make their mark within the community. We desire that our students must enter through the door of knowledge and leave through the door of confidence, with enquiring minds, sense of social and moral values, a sense of service and compassion for those less fortunate, a respect for nature, tolerance, a sense of honour and the attributes to become good citizens of India and the world. Wishing you God’s best in life.

Features and Activities

Message from Archbishop Dr. Samuel A. Thomas

CEO & President

Emmanuel Ministries International

Dear Parents,

Emmanuel Greetings!

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Emmanuel Mission School. For over 40 years Emmanuel has had the privilege to train many young boys and girls. Since teaching is a noble profession and calls for the qualities of head and heart; we have a vision to update the students by providing them the best set of capabilities. indeed, children are our heritage from God. They are precious and priceless.

Children are as arrows in the hands of God almighty, We, at Emmanuel just gather them, sharpen them and launch them to make a difference in the world. We believe that education requires cooperation, not competition. Learning each day with peers who see the world through different eyes prepares our students to think about the future that will evolve from their actions today.

We, at Emmanuel Mission School believe, to train a child in the way he/she should go, and when they are old they will not turn from it. We develop students into leaders who will positively influence lives, locally, nationally and globally. We provide programs focusing on the all-round development of the individual with the emphasis on personality grooming, tolerance ability, and a strong sense of social and environmental responsibility. We understand that a student can find many friends, but not many best teachers. That is why we take our responsibility as teachers seriously and like to work in close association with the parents to know and groom the children in all aspects of their personality.

We imbibe in our students the following traits to live with honour - God fearing, courage, competence, clarity, confidence and strong character. The learning strategies that students at Emmanuel acquire and the academic successes they achieve carry them beyond our campus into the future.

Our faculty and staff are experts in the mission of guiding students for a bright career. We encourage our students to press towards the goal that is set before them to win the prize for which God has made them. Everyone is a winner at Emmanuel. We, at Emmanuel are always dedicated towards growth and development of students. Everyone leaves a legacy, whether it is intentional or not; those who are more intentional about it usually leave a better legacy behind.

Dear students, I encourage you to never give up! never quit! it is not sufficient for us to be merely winners. 'Be a champion!'

God bless you!

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Honesty, lovalty and Reliability.

Respect for all.

Self discipline. commitment and responsibility for one's own actions. Punctuality and good attendance.

Sincerity, integrity and team work.

Courteous behavior and smart appearances.

Respect and care for the environment in which we live and work.

God fearing, humble and compassionate.


To create an environment where teaching and learning is fun and valued, and where growth and accomplishments are encouraged and celebrated.

To create an environment where students achieve their potential through academic, social experiences, cultural experiences and sports.

To help students to develop lively, enquiring minds and to acquire knowledge that will equip them for life long learning.

To encourage students to understand spiritual and moral values and present them with new challenges which would help them to develop confidence and self reliance.

To give awareness of the World in which we live and appreciation of the interdependence of people and Nations.